Stories from
the road

(and beyond!)

Broken down and befriended
Touring with Children Tom Jones Touring with Children Tom Jones

Broken down and befriended

The 'walk of shame' through the Warren, as I cursed my having said only yesterday that we were 'due a mechanical', reminded me just why we do what we do on holiday. People with few clothes and many tattoos, poorly behaved dogs and children, carrying cheap-jack inflatables and the spoils from the arcades. I reckon I would sooner visit hell itself than spend a week in a static caravan in Dawlish Warren. What they would make of our kind of holiday, one can of course only conjecture at!

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Data, Data, Everywhere
Preparations, France Tom Jones Preparations, France Tom Jones

Data, Data, Everywhere

We haven't decided if we want to pay the data charges in France, given that calls and texts are free on our contract, and in any event there is a good chance that data signal will be as scarce as WiFi. Hopefully, one or two of the places we are staying at will be able to help us out with some connectivity.

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Power is everything
Preparations, Technology Tom Jones Preparations, Technology Tom Jones

Power is everything

Inescapably, trying to take pictures and film, whilst using modern technology to navigate and sometimes to entertain the residents of the trailer, all uses power. We take it for granted at home and yet when we're on the road, whilst not life-or-death, it does become a preoccupation when battery levels are running low. We are always on the lookout for the next socket, and rationing our usage to match our charging expectations. Depending on the circumstances, it swaps places with food in the hierarchy of needs!

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Touring with Children, Thoughts Tom Jones Touring with Children, Thoughts Tom Jones

Getting out of the door

With a growing family (numerically and in stature!) it follows that you are forced repeatedly to break one of the golden rules of bicycle touring - get to know your kit and your capabilities, and once you have a setup that works, stick with it unless there is a compelling reason. It's just not possible to do that long term, when the number, size and capabilities of your 'team' is ever-changing.

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A  night out on Tiree
Scotland, Touring with Children Katie Jones Scotland, Touring with Children Katie Jones

A night out on Tiree

Tiree had such a friendly air, perceptible as soon as we rolled off the ferry. Lots of locals were there meeting friends, family and guests from the boat. Our trailer and trailer bike outfit drew a few glances, and kind enquiries.

We cycled a couple of miles from the quay and pitched our little tent in the dunes…

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Training Tom Jones Training Tom Jones


Baby sleeping bags are made of cheap material and don't compress anywhere near as well as adult bags. We have seen other people suggesting buying adult bags and re manufacturing them to baby size. With a bigger budget, I think we would start again and crack out the sewing machine.

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Getting some more miles under our belt
Training Tom Jones Training Tom Jones

Getting some more miles under our belt

Yesterday, we nipped out for a ride before the tail end of tropical storm Bertha hit. We set off down the cycle path along the disused railway line from Stanwick Lakes to Thrapston, turning off the path and taking to the road to ride through Denford and Ringstead.

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What did we learn on our first cycle touring trip?
Training Katie Jones Training Katie Jones

What did we learn on our first cycle touring trip?

We packed up our tent, sleeping bags, mats and little cooker in our panniers and in the back of our bike trailer and set off yesterday afternoon, a little anxious about whether we were fit enough to pull off cycling with all our gear and the trailer.

We made it! That's the good news. The girls were comfy in the trailer…

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