We’re having wild adventures with kids and bikes.
Meet the family.
(In ascending order of size…)
The smallest member of the family, who in the absence of any other known contenders, lays claim to the accolade of “Youngest foetus to have travelled from Land’s End to John o’Groats on a bicycle”.
He’s walking now, and going to be starting balance biking before we know it!
In the meantime, Robert travels around in his trailer, eats, sleeps and poops.
Ruth and Rhoda
Family ByCycle’s answer to Tess and Claudia, just back from filming for national television in the United States, the girls hold records for cycling the length of Great Britain on their trailerbikes and went viral online.
With their infectious enthusiasm, our little dynamos love nothing better than a bike ride and a night under canvas (especially if there are jelly babies or toasted marshmallows involved), and they’d love to encourage other families to give it a go.
Join them for mischief, fun, laughs, tears and the occasional tantrum (ask Ruth what she thinks of pine cones on cycle paths, I dare you!).
Thomas Ivor
11-year-old Thomas Ivor has been blazing a trail on two wheels for some years, now. He’s just finishing a long-term project to climb and cycle between the ‘Three Peaks’ - the highest mountains in each of England, Wales and Scotland.
An accomplished racer on his bike and in the water, his main love is ultra-endurance riding. He’s ridden big distances all over the country, and during the Coronavirus lockdown he completed a 250 mile day on Zwift, and subsequently a 1000 mile week on the turbo trainer.
Also known for his public speaking prowess since the age of seven, Thomas Ivor has raised substantial sums for charities including the National Autistic Society and NHS Charities together.
Katie, a.k.a @Mummy ByCycle
Katie works in the infrastructure business and was a competitive rower before the children came along. Sleep deprived after Rhoda’s birth, she somehow agreed to go on a self-supported cycle tour of the Outer Hebrides, and it snowballed from there.
A governor of two schools, Katie takes a particular interest in encouraging safe active travel for families, and is our ‘designated sensible person’ at crucial moments in Family ByCycle adventures, with specific responsibility for remembering stuff, taking notes, and keeping important things safe, notably the baby she was carrying when she rode the End-to-End in 2018, the subject of a forthcoming book.
‘Daddy ByCycle’ loves to travel, and is a hoarder of bikes, maps, and madcap schemes in support of his wanderlust. He’s worked in multi-modal transport policy and railway operations, and cycled for utility and leisure, for many years; a lot of this is his fault.
Tom’s particular love of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland results from a well-spent youth with railway privilege travel and a rucksack; these days if he’s not travelling by train or bike, he’s probably talking or writing about it - or tinkering with one (a train or a bike, that is).
A one-time sports photographer, Tom is our ‘AV guy’ and ‘kit junkie’ and is responsible for much of Family ByCycle’s media output. As such, he’s also active as a cycling activist.