Stories from
the road
(and beyond!)

Cycling to the sea - 77 miles in a day
It all started when Daddy was in the kitchen, chopping up carrots. He said to me "You keep asking to go to the sea, Ruth - wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could ride all the way to Kings Lynn. Would you like to try that? It’s a long way" And I said "I would love to do that!”

“Ride the bike, Ruth!” Entering the world of U8s cyclocross racing…
“Ride the bike, Ruth”, I hear Tom shouting from some considerable distance away, and briefly register what a ludicrous thing to shout this must sound to anyone else who came here to watch a bike race.

Inspire the next
Once Ruth decided she wanted a sit down, out came the allen key, and Rhoda, at all of 16 months, sat imperiously astride the bike, like Borat with a chair…