Stories from
the road
(and beyond!)

Cycling to the sea - 77 miles in a day
It all started when Daddy was in the kitchen, chopping up carrots. He said to me "You keep asking to go to the sea, Ruth - wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could ride all the way to Kings Lynn. Would you like to try that? It’s a long way" And I said "I would love to do that!”

Baby sleeping bags are made of cheap material and don't compress anywhere near as well as adult bags. We have seen other people suggesting buying adult bags and re manufacturing them to baby size. With a bigger budget, I think we would start again and crack out the sewing machine.

Getting some more miles under our belt
Yesterday, we nipped out for a ride before the tail end of tropical storm Bertha hit. We set off down the cycle path along the disused railway line from Stanwick Lakes to Thrapston, turning off the path and taking to the road to ride through Denford and Ringstead.