Stories from
the road
(and beyond!)

My #Festive500 - By Ruth Jones (age 7¾)
On the first day, I started the Festive 500 with my Daddy. I felt excited and determined to do 500 kilometres in 8 days. We went on roads that I knew and roads I had never been on before.

Badge of honour - Riding the #Festive500
I wasn't just relying on these miles to get me home, of course. I still needed them before midnight for that elusive cloth badge - more to the point, 'lunchtime' was hours ago, and I was concerned I was in danger of my Strava beacon being used by a process server to bring me a notice of divorce proceedings. Luckily, or possibly otherwise, Katie had taken the girls to her parents' house, but I tried to focus on the task at hand, and chased much harder than I felt I should have done to catch and pass an elderly man on a touring bike going my way. Actually, I had to do it twice. And that wasn't even to be my final navigational cock-up of the day.